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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Marc Rubio - Amnesty Candidate

Conservative icon Phyllis Schafly wants us all to remember the history of Marco Rubio. That history is one of betrayal and lies.

From WND:

In 2009, Marco Rubio was a plucky challenger for the open Senate seat in Florida, taking on incumbent Republican Gov. Charlie Crist. Though Rubio was trailing in the polls, one leading conservative activist thought he had real potential and vowed to help him. 
 “When Marco Rubio ran for the Senate in Florida, I think I was the first one to endorse him,” said Phyllis Schlafly. “I made a trip down to Florida in 2009 just for the purpose of helping him.” 
 But Schlafly, a legendary conservative activist, author and WND columnist, now says she is bitterly disappointed by Rubio’s record. 
 “Once he got elected, he betrayed us all,” she told WND. “He said he was against amnesty and against the establishment. And once he got in, right away, he became an agent of the establishment. And now, of course, he’s big for amnesty and letting all the illegal immigrants in. He betrayed us a number of times on that issue.” 
 Schlafly said she was startled at the magnitude of Rubio’s “betrayal” on amnesty. 
 “It was so public,” she said. 
 “He’s a lackey for the establishment now,” she said. “There’s no question they’re picking up as Plan B – or maybe Plan C in this election cycle, or whatever we’re on now – but he certainly is an establishment agent.”

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Juan Miguel Laboy - Tenacious Illegal Arrested in Boston

The fourth time was not a charm for an illegal immigrant arrested in Boston. Sources say that he was coming to vote for Obama again, but just got his dates confused. reports the following:

An illegal immigrant from the Dominican Republic is facing federal charges for illegally reentering the Unites States.
 Juan Miguel Laboy, who also goes by the aliases Victor Feliciano-Viera, Hector Jose Aibie, and Juan Jose Pena, is facing one count of illegal reentry by removed alien. He was arraigned on these charges Tuesday.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Illegals Hit and Run in Record Numbers

Here's an article about hit and run accidents illegal-alien style.  This is an out-of-control problem.  We have millions of illegal aliens driving around with no license and no insurance.  They get into a minor accident (and oftentimes much worse) and then they take off running.  At least the criminal illegal alien in this article was arrested, prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to prison.  Most of the time however, the get away with it because they are never caught.  Or worse, they get caught and still get away with it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Illegal Aliens Indicted in Seguin, Texas for Animal Torture

A pair of illegal alien cousins have been indicted by a grand jury in Guadalupe County, Texas for Animal Cruelty.  Seems these two pieces of human debris thought it would be fun to cut the ears and tail off a cat.

The two scumbags (oh, I'm sorry....."suspected scumbags") face 6 months to 2 years in jail and a fine up to $10,000 if convicted.

Thankfully one of the suspected illegal alien scumbags, this guy:

has been arrested.  He is being held for the animal torture case as well as federal immigration charges.  The other suspected illegal alien scumbag is believed to have fled back to Mexico.

If you'd like to read more about these two would-be Democrat voters, read the article.

By the way, the Texas Legislature is currently taking up a bill that would require photo I.D. to vote in Texas.  Of course the Democrats are opposing the bill because they want to make it easier for people like these two animal-torturing scumbags to vote for them.

Marijuana and Catapults

Mexican drug smugglers were caught on video surveillance using a catapult to launch packages of marijuana over the border into the United States.  Those crazy drug smugglers!  What will they think of next?

Of course the drug smugglers were not caught.  What did you expect?


Thursday, January 27, 2011

No Reason to Secure the Border

Islamic terrorists getting into the United States across the Mexican border?  So what?  Really, is this a good reason to secure the border?  Only a racist Republican could take that position.  Besides, do you really want to pay $0.03 more for a head of lettuce?  Well, do you?  Cuz that's what would happen if we closed the border.

Read the article about the terrorist if you want to.  But its just a lot of propaganda by right-wing extremist hate-mongers!

Illegal Alien Involved in Another Death

Police in Colorado arrested another illegal alien in connection with the death of a man who was struck and killed by a motor vehicle.

Eliu Montes-Garcia

Read Article