Doing Jobs That Lazy Racist Americans Won't Do!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Illegals Hit and Run in Record Numbers

Here's an article about hit and run accidents illegal-alien style.  This is an out-of-control problem.  We have millions of illegal aliens driving around with no license and no insurance.  They get into a minor accident (and oftentimes much worse) and then they take off running.  At least the criminal illegal alien in this article was arrested, prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to prison.  Most of the time however, the get away with it because they are never caught.  Or worse, they get caught and still get away with it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Illegal Aliens Indicted in Seguin, Texas for Animal Torture

A pair of illegal alien cousins have been indicted by a grand jury in Guadalupe County, Texas for Animal Cruelty.  Seems these two pieces of human debris thought it would be fun to cut the ears and tail off a cat.

The two scumbags (oh, I'm sorry....."suspected scumbags") face 6 months to 2 years in jail and a fine up to $10,000 if convicted.

Thankfully one of the suspected illegal alien scumbags, this guy:

has been arrested.  He is being held for the animal torture case as well as federal immigration charges.  The other suspected illegal alien scumbag is believed to have fled back to Mexico.

If you'd like to read more about these two would-be Democrat voters, read the article.

By the way, the Texas Legislature is currently taking up a bill that would require photo I.D. to vote in Texas.  Of course the Democrats are opposing the bill because they want to make it easier for people like these two animal-torturing scumbags to vote for them.

Marijuana and Catapults

Mexican drug smugglers were caught on video surveillance using a catapult to launch packages of marijuana over the border into the United States.  Those crazy drug smugglers!  What will they think of next?

Of course the drug smugglers were not caught.  What did you expect?


Thursday, January 27, 2011

No Reason to Secure the Border

Islamic terrorists getting into the United States across the Mexican border?  So what?  Really, is this a good reason to secure the border?  Only a racist Republican could take that position.  Besides, do you really want to pay $0.03 more for a head of lettuce?  Well, do you?  Cuz that's what would happen if we closed the border.

Read the article about the terrorist if you want to.  But its just a lot of propaganda by right-wing extremist hate-mongers!

Illegal Alien Involved in Another Death

Police in Colorado arrested another illegal alien in connection with the death of a man who was struck and killed by a motor vehicle.

Eliu Montes-Garcia

Read Article

More Innocent Migrant Workers Arrested in Arizona

It happened again.  Looks like ATF agents arrested a bunch of harmless undocumented workers in Arizona and accused them of gun running, smuggling, and a whole lot of other nonesense.  Clearly these poor souls were just trying to find a better life  in America.

Read the article

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Illegal Concrete Workers Arrested

More illegals arrested.  Why?  Identity fraud isn't a crime, is it?  Well, dammit it shouldn't be.

They were illegally using social security numbers from other living and dead people to work at a concrete factory.  So what?  No Americans would have done that work.  See, we need "Comprehensive Immigration Reform!"


Cover Your Ears, its the I-Word!

Damn racist Americans.  Why won't they stop using the I-Word?

Another Job Americans Won't Do: Human Smuggling

"Suspected" illegals arrested in Phoenix, Arizona and charged with Human Smuggling (is that the same as picking lettuce?) 

We just can't get any lazy Americans to do this type of work.  Do we need a guest worker program to do the human smuggling work that needs to be done in this county?

Read article.

More Statistics About Our Illegal Friends

From Jerome Corsi in the Cypress Times:

  • $113 billion a year in welfare programs for illegals.
  • More than 1 million American jobs stolen by illegals since 2008.
  • Illegals killing state budgets.  Gee, who knew?

Great News: Selective Service Encouraging Illegals

Our federal government continues to encourage illegal aliens and their children.  They want to encourage illegals to sign up with the Selective Service by assuring them that they will not collect any information about whether they are illegal or not.  They make it clear that they are on the side of the illegal (while American citizens can go F-themselves).  Here's a quote:

You want to protect yourself for future U.S. citizenship and other government benefits and programs by registering with Selective Service. Do it today.

See for yourself here

Children of Illegals are Very Expensive

$53 million in welfare paid to the children of illegal aliens in just one month, in just one county.  No, say it isn't so.  Article

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hiring Illegal Aliens is Cool in Florida

Any companies out there want to hire illegal aliens?  Come on, of course you do.  You can pay them less than American workers.  You don't have to pay employment taxes.  You can fire them whenever you want without having to worry about being sued.  Come on, its a sweet deal!

Well, if you're serious about hiring illegals, then move to Florida!  They may have laws on the books against that sort of thing, but they're just for show.  Seems that no one has been prosecuted under those laws in 11 years.  So hiring illegal is cool, if not outright encouraged, in Florida.  So what are you waiting for.  Move your company to Florida and get in on the action.

Here's the story.

How Many Billions Do Floridians Spend on Illegals?

Not an easy question to answer apparently.  We do know this for sure.... its a helluva lot!  Illegal immigrants cost the State of Florida several billions of dollars each year.  Should it really matter exactly how many billions?  Anyway, here's the article.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Geraldo "The Republican" Rivera

Did anyone else almost choke when they heard Geraldo label himself a Republican?  Well, he is, I guess.  Why?

Well, whatever.  What is important is that Geraldo still seems to be running for King of Mexico, just now he's doing it on the Republican ticket. 

Anyway, he's written a new column wherein he lays out his platform.  In case you care.

Pathetic Police in Wyoming

Is there a law in Wyoming requiring all police chiefs to be certifiable morons?  If not, please explain the following idiots:

Tom Pagel, Police Chief, Capser, Wyoming

Brian Kozak, Police Chief, Cheyenne, Wyoming

Jim Whalen, Sheriff, Teton County

What makes them idiots?  Well, read for yourself in the Billings Gazette

Of the three law enforcement officials mentioned in the article, Chief Tom Pagel appears to be the most pathetic.  From the article:

If the bill passes, Pagel says the Casper Police Department will continue with its current law enforcement policies.
"I would not do things any different than I am right now," Pagel said.
If the bill does pass, and this jackass runs his department as he says he will, I hope the good people of Casper throw him out of his job.  Until then, I hope they come up with another reason to give him the boot.  What a disgrace!

There was one person mentioned, of whom the people of Wyoming should be proud, Pete Illoway.  Illoway for President!