Doing Jobs That Lazy Racist Americans Won't Do!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hiring Illegal Aliens is Cool in Florida

Any companies out there want to hire illegal aliens?  Come on, of course you do.  You can pay them less than American workers.  You don't have to pay employment taxes.  You can fire them whenever you want without having to worry about being sued.  Come on, its a sweet deal!

Well, if you're serious about hiring illegals, then move to Florida!  They may have laws on the books against that sort of thing, but they're just for show.  Seems that no one has been prosecuted under those laws in 11 years.  So hiring illegal is cool, if not outright encouraged, in Florida.  So what are you waiting for.  Move your company to Florida and get in on the action.

Here's the story.

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